Is this course right for you?
It is very important that staff have a good understand what good food hygiene is. This is why we've produced this Induction course aimed at Housekeeping staff.
"Good Health & Safety really is good business"
Our Induction for Housekeeping course has been designed for new starters in roles as "Day One" training. It's aim is to give starters an overview of essential safety topics in Healh and Safety as well as other important Fire Safety, Manual Handling and First Aid topics. This gives trainees the ability to get started in their role safely and give employers time to arrange more detailed training when required. For example, a staff member who's primary role is housekeeping duties will still require more comprehensive Health and Safety training within 3 months of starting.
This Induction training is ideal for:
Housekeeping Staff
Hospitality Staff
Support & Care Worker
Assessment and Certificate
Once each module of the Induction has been completed and checked off, the online assessment unlocks and becomes available. You will be asked 15 multiple choice questions spanning the topics covered, and be required to achieve a pass mark of 60%.
Pass the assessment, print your certificate
The assessment is marked instantly, and you will find out whether you have passed. If you haven’t, don't worry! You are able to retake the assessment as many times as required with no additional cost.
The assessment sources question from a larger database so each assessment will be different. You are also able to view your previous assessment answers and see which questions you go incorrect.
An Induction training certificate does not have an expiry date, but rather has date of achievement. This enables people to see how recently you have undergone training and are able to demonstate this.