
Health and Safety Myths

Do I need a Food Hygiene Certificate to make a Sandwich?

We often get this question from workers whose primary job isn't to handling food, however occasionally they may have to do some basic food handling like make Sandwiches or handle pre-prepared foods.

Food Poisoning is a killer and its worth remembering that people in the UK die from it every year. You may think that because of this anyone handling food would be required by law to hold a qualification. Unfortunately this isn't the case, although any reputable employer will ensure that Food Handling employees are adequately trained and hold a minimum food safety qualification.

Even a Sandwich can pose a Risk

The realism is, some fatal bacteria can be found in salads and diary products so it is of the up most importance that correct Food Safety. Under new Food Safety Legislation (first introduced in 2006), there are strict laws that apply to employers where food is prepared or handling. Even small outlets must show, and have records of, what actions it is taking to ensure that food is safe eat.

Although the person preparing the food is not required to hold any specific qualification, a sufficiently trained person must provide supervision and training.

Who is responsible?

It is the managements responsibility to make sure that all food handlers are either trained or supervised. Most good employers fulfil this requirement by arranging for staff to take a suitably accredited course.

They could however, chose to give you the relevant training on the job or ensure they employ people who already have a food handling certificate.  

Food Safety

You follow strict procedures about;

  • hand-washing

  • wearing special clothing or an apron

  • removing jewellery (other than a wedding band)

  • ensuring hair is tied back and controlled?

  • guidance about wounds, diseases or illnesses. (If you have diarrhoea or vomiting you should not handle food for at least 48 hours after the symptoms have gone.)

Additional Help

Extra information can be could about our Basic Food Safety Level 2 certificate can be found here.


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